Home of the Onyx Rose Company - Guild on Celestial Hills - Tera US

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Onyx Rose Company

    About the Company


    Posts : 985
    Join date : 2012-04-09

    About the Company Empty About the Company

    Post by Voriel Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:06 pm

    About the Company Crest_med_blackglow

    What the world knows regarding the Onyx Rose Company:
    Public Motives: (external) Trading of rare and valuable exotic goods while also providing a mercenary service. The service provides protection for the venture of import/export, while solidifying trade routes between nations. These routes could connect outlying townships to capitals and centers of trade.

    Federation Ties: The Federation has the company listed as a caravan company, protecting trade routes, while continuing their own contracted services.

    The truth behind the company:

    True Motives: (internal) The guild hopes to gain a significant foothold in the black market, either by creating markets or conquering others. With these ties, the company seeks to gain wealth to influence the political powers of nations.

    Basically, the company does the dirty work, the questionable jobs, seeking to build a mafia or mob of sorts to control and expand enterprise.

    Black Markets: Smuggling, rare and exotic goods.

    Protection Services: Potentially the mercenary company will horn in on markets, using strength of arms and scheming plans to lean on rivals, eliminate competition, and using Federation ties as enforcement for the trade routes to remain in good graces.

    "All these monsters in the area - would be a shame if any of them would wander into your supply storage. But if you provide my company and I with certain considerations, we'll be glad to help protect you."

    "Of course Vanarch, we found these ruffians seeking to dispose of wealth and goods taken from your fine citizens. We would humbly provide these back to your people. If you have a moment, we could discuss ventures and contracts to provide our services so this never happens again."

    How the Company came to be!
    The story of the guild's creation. And the tale of the founding members.

    Life just isn't fun without chance and danger. What better mix than gambling?

    Arawn embarked on a dice/card game of epic proportions! In this game, one of the players laid down titles to a company. Although it held little in the way of extreme worth, ideas took root in Arawn's head. Not to be outdone, and wanting to win that hand, Arawn met the bet using every coin of his own...and his brother Verael.

    Winning the hand, he knew better than pressing his luck and bowed out of the game with his winnings.

    Excited with title in hand, he took news of this amazing venture to his brother. Of course, the info on the possible payment for such a new company remained a secret. Don't ask, don't tell.

    Verael though knew...his brother would only get into trouble, and followed along. He didn't want the idiot to end up killed, or worse. Too many times had his twin come up with crazy ideas that sounded excellent, and almost ended his life. And no one else could ever take his place. Of course, he had to help.

    An Amani called Malani tagged along soon after hearing of this company from the sly Castanic. She lost her own hand of cards trying to win the title and had an interest to see where this schemer may lead. Her motives have held quite simple...action and money...and staying far away from her own kind. It was time for this sorceress to journey!

    Arawn set out to continue adding members or suckers for his glory dreams.

    Eventually, another game of cards lead to gaining two more ladies. The fast and extremely loose Alektos saw nothing but promise and her own personal work...where there's a mercenary company, the camp whore would gain coin. Voriel, a high elf, simply had no where else to go once Arawn won every coin she had, and followed with skepticism. ...though his coin purse did keep her interested.

    As the company began to shape up, and the schemes of Arawn seemed to have a real direction, he knew he needed one of his oldest friends to join the fray. Baeshra always had his back, even when he had those idiot, glory hound moments. And the chance for wealth, adventure, and amazing relics was something she could never pass up. Now she too has become part of the company.

    With a crew of mercenaries, business folk, and the wild ideas of the twin brothers, the company was about to take on the world!

    Last edited by Voriel on Wed May 30, 2012 6:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 985
    Join date : 2012-04-09

    About the Company Empty Re: About the Company

    Post by Voriel Wed May 30, 2012 6:54 pm

    About the Company Poster1-1

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